8/16/2021 11:00:00 AM Resident says neighborhood doesn't want sidewalks
Ewan Ferguson, a longtime resident of 603 Fifth Avenue Southeast, left, spoke to the City Council last week, sharing the results of a poll he and Jeff Nolte took of 26 households along the street. Of those surveyed, 19 said they donít want sidewalks on either side of the street. Short Elliott Hendrickson (SEH), the cityís engineering firm, has proposed building sidewalks on both sides of the street as part of a street reconstruction project in 2022 and 2023.
Aware the city of Stewartville is considering building new sidewalks on both sides of Fifth Avenue Southeast in 2022, Ewan Ferguson, a longtime resident of the street, polled his neighbors to determine their position on the issue.
Ferguson, who has lived at 603 Fifth Avenue Southeast more than 20 years, shared the results of the poll with the City Council at a public hearing at the Stewartville Civic Center last week.
Of the 26 households Ferguson and Jeff Nolte polled along the 600 and 700 blocks of Fifth Avenue Southeast, 19 do not want sidewalks on either side of the street, Ferguson said.
"They don't feel they're necessary," he told the City Council.
He listed a number of more specific reasons why residents of the street don't want sidewalks, including the cost and determining who would be responsible for the maintenance. Also, installing sidewalks would mean residents would lose 11 feet or more of their yards and driveway parking space, he said...
For more on this story pick up your copy of the Aug. 17 Stewartville STAR.
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