7 tactics manipulators use when they realize you’re out of their control

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Manipulators often employ covert tactics when they sense their influence slipping away. Recognizing these strategies is crucial for maintaining personal boundaries and outsmarting manipulative individuals. Let’s explore seven common tactics manipulators use when they realize you’re breaking free from their control.

Gaslighting and emotional manipulation

Gaslighting is a powerful tool in a manipulator’s arsenal. When they feel their grip loosening, they may intensify efforts to make you doubt your perceptions and memories. This tactic aims to destabilize your reality and keep you dependent on their version of events.

Manipulators might say things like :

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  • “That never happened. You’re imagining things.”
  • “You’re too sensitive. I was just joking.”
  • “You always overreact to everything.”

By consistently undermining your confidence, they hope to regain control. It’s essential to trust your instincts and maintain a strong sense of self to combat this tactic. Building genuine self-respect can serve as a powerful shield against such manipulation attempts.

Love bombing and excessive flattery

When manipulators sense they’re losing their hold, they might switch to overwhelming affection and praise. This sudden change in behavior, known as love bombing, can be confusing and disarming. They shower you with compliments, gifts, and attention, hoping to reel you back in.

Examples of love bombing include :

  • Surprise expensive gifts
  • Constant messages of adoration
  • Grand romantic gestures

While flattery can be pleasant, it’s crucial to discern genuine affection from manipulation. True compatibility in a relationship is built on consistent respect and understanding, not sporadic intense displays of affection.

Relationship His seatmate rejects his advances, he flies into a rage and breaks the airplane window mid-flight.

Guilt-tripping and playing the victim

Manipulators often resort to emotional blackmail when they feel their control slipping. They may portray themselves as victims, making you feel responsible for their wellbeing. This tactic aims to exploit your empathy and sense of obligation.

Common guilt-tripping phrases include :

  • “After all I’ve done for you, this is how you treat me ?”
  • “You’re the only one who understands me. I can’t survive without you.”
  • “If you really cared, you wouldn’t do this to me.”

It’s important to recognize that you’re not responsible for another person’s happiness. Stopping the urge to be perfect in others’ eyes can help you resist this manipulative tactic.

Subtle threats and intimidation

When manipulators feel cornered, they might resort to veiled threats or intimidation. These can range from subtle hints to more overt warnings about consequences if you don’t comply with their wishes.

Relationship In a relationship, beware of ‘limerence,’ a behavior that could lead to a breakup.

Examples of subtle threats include :

Threat Type Example
Social “I hope your friends don’t find out about your past mistakes.”
Professional “It would be a shame if your boss heard about this.”
Emotional “You’ll regret pushing me away when you’re all alone.”

Recognizing these threats for what they are – attempts to regain control – is crucial. It’s important to prioritize your safety and seek support if you feel threatened or intimidated.

Triangulation and creating jealousy

Manipulators may try to provoke jealousy or insecurity by bringing other people into the dynamic. This tactic, known as triangulation, aims to make you feel replaceable and desperate to regain their attention.

They might :

  • Frequently mention an ex or a new friend
  • Flirt with others in your presence
  • Compare you unfavorably to others

This behavior can sometimes border on micro-cheating, causing emotional distress and confusion. It’s essential to maintain your self-worth and not fall into the trap of competing for a manipulator’s attention.

Social Mom, 90% covered in tattoos, says other parents ‘pull their kids away’ when they see her.

Remember, genuine relationships are built on trust and mutual respect, not jealousy and insecurity. If you find yourself constantly questioning whether someone truly loves you or just lusts after you, it might be time to reevaluate the relationship.

Recognizing these tactics is the first step in breaking free from manipulative relationships. By staying aware and maintaining strong boundaries, you can protect yourself from these harmful behaviors and foster healthier connections.

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