12/13/2021 12:03:00 PM Winterfest Tea & Luncheon: good food, good coffee, and creativity
The members of the Stewartville Area Chamber of Commerce Winterfest Committee who organized this year's celebration include, front row, from left, Megan Romens, chair; and Alisha Nelson, who helped with Florence Park activities. Back row, from left, Naomi Roeder, Ladies Cruise; Jen Martin, who helped with craft night at the Bonner Elementary School Book Fair; Melissa Leuning, Winterfest Tea & Luncheon; and Gwen Ravenhorst, Chamber administrator, who assisted with Chamber sponsorships, contests and at craft night.
Reminiscing about this year's Winterfest Tea & Luncheon, Melissa Sue Leuning was very pleased.
Sixty guests sat six each at 10 decorated tables for the event, held at the Stewartville Civic Center on Sunday, Dec. 5 at 12:30 p.m...
For more on this story pick up your copy of the Dec. 12 Stewartville STAR,
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